About Jordana

How did I get started?
A defining moment happened to me in February 2011. I felt stuck – in my business, in love, in myself. I would wake up every morning unsure of the next steps to take, confused as to where I was going, and completely overwhelmed. Do you ever feel that way? Is that kind of how you’re feeling right now? Perfect! Keep on reading…
So, as I was saying, I felt stuck. I wasn’t moving forward in my business like I wanted to be, I found myself totally confused as to whether or not I wanted to be in a relationship, and I felt sluggish and uninspired. Ick, right?
Totally ick. So on February 17, 2011, I began a 30-day journey inwards. It was a journey centered around finding clarity, calm, focus, and most importantly, myself. The guidelines were clear: no dating, no alcohol, no TV, no hanging out on Facebook for hours, and a few other small changes.
Essentially, anything that would distract me from me was off-limits. Sound intense? Well it was. How about difficult and challenging? You bet. Did I feel extremely vulnerable and uncomfortable at times? Totally. But, my intention was to experience all of these things, to feel challenged, and raw and exposed. My intention was to do whatever it took to feel my feelings, to see where I was stuck, so that I could move forward at long last.
So often – way too often – we do anything we can to avoid our feelings. We medicate ourselves with alcohol, food, sex, people – anything that will take ourselves away from, well, ourselves. And I was feeling the effects of having done that, of having avoided myself, for far too long.
Within the first 5 days (yes, within the first week!) I attracted HUGE amounts of clarity and calm into my life. I decided to change the focus of my business, I experienced a sense of peace around being single that I hadn’t experienced in years, and I felt genuinely happy.
The reason I’m telling you this is because a lot of the time, the answers don’t come from doing more. They don’t come from adding tasks to your to-do list, brainstorming strategies, or taking more action. Sometimes – actually, most of the time – the answers come from being and feeling differently. 
After all, we are human BEINGS, and not human doings. Imagine if you could be, do, and have everything you want to be, do, and have by simply shifting your mindset. If that isn’t a serious shortcut, I don’t know what is.
I realize that there is such a huge need to help passionate and positive-thinking young women – like you – translate their desires into reality. Deciding to take that 30-day journey and turn inwards, as scary as it felt in the beginning, has been the #1 best decision I have ever made in my personal and professional life.
I have since made the commitment to dedicate the rest of my career to empowering and teaching young, fabulous, and enthusiastic women like you how to manifest their best lives. It’s been an amazing journey so far, and I can’t wait to get you started on your own journey!

Who are my clients?
My clients are young women in their 20’s and 30’s who want to live amazing, rich, fulfilling lives. They may or may not be clear on what they want beyond that, (and that’s totally okay!), but they do know there’s something bigger out there for them, and that they have the potential to do more and be more. They know that it’s not necessarily a matter of taking any more action, but rather a matter of tuning in to themselves and finding the answers within.

How am I different from other life coaches?
What separates me from other life coaches is that I work exclusively with young women in their twenties and thirties, teaching them how to attract their best lives by using spiritual principles and manifestation techniques. This isn’t about doing; it’s about being. It’s not about looking elsewhere for answers, but knowing with a calm certainty that they live within you. Sometimes, they just need a little nudge to come to the surface. (And that’s where I come in J)

What my clients say:
“Jordana is my Sensei.”
“She’s the ultimate spiritual leader for quarter-lifers everywhere.”
“The minute I started working with Jordana, my life became magical.”
“My life has transformed entirely. I’m absolutely speechless.”
“Jordana’s the one to work with.”

What type of personality do I work best with?
Want to know if we would work well together? Well, is this you?
  Positive thinker
  Committed to yourself and your growth
  Takes consistent action
  Energetic and enthusiastic
  Trusts the process
  Reliable and punctual

If this is you, YAY! I think we’re going to have a lot of fun and that you’ll get a lot out of the Quarter Life Clarity programs. You’re the kind of person who will see results fast!

This is the kind of person I do not work well with – someone who:
  Is skeptical
  Gives up easily
  Is a pessimist
  Makes excuses for not completing their assignments
  Challenges every aspect of the program

If this is you, that’s totally okay. I just don’t think that we would be a good match, so it’s probably best that you seek out another mentor. I wouldn’t be able to help you to the degree that you deserve, and I don’t want to waste your time or money.

Some Fun Facts About Jordana
  Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla chocolate chip
  Favorite 90’s band: Dave Matthews Band
  Sex and the City character I identify with most: Charlotte
  Pancakes or French toast: French toast (unless they’re blueberries pancakes)
  When I was younger, I wanted to be: one of Janet Jackson’s backup dancers
  Three words that describe me: playful, self-aware, and loving
  Favorite rainy day activities: TBS movies, arts and crafts projects, and naps
  Best piece of advice to quarter life women: Love yourself entirely, and the rest will fall into place.
  Most influential book: Happy Pocket Full of Money, David Cameron Gikandi
  Favorite pump-me-up song: Send Me on My Way, Rusted Root